Special Weekend with Rabbi Joseph Dweck: 9 – 11 September 2022

19. August 2022 Roy Weingarten


Rabbi Joseph Dweck is the senior rabbi of the S&P Sephardi congregation in the United Kingdom, the oldest congregation in the Jewish community. He was born in the U.S. and studied in Jerusalem under the guidance of former Sephardi Chief Rabbi Ovadia Yosef sz”l.


In his work as Senior Rabbi, he has responsibility in his congregation over religious activities, the rabbinical team, the Sephardi Beth Din and the Sephardi Kashrut Commission. He is Vice President of the “London School of Jewish Studies”, one of the Presidents of the “Council of Christians and Jews” and also active in the Board of Deputies of British Jews.


Rabbi Dweck is also a member of the permanent committee of the European Rabbinical Conference. He is a sought-after speaker, both in and out of England. His online shiurim on social media receive worldwide attention. Rabbi Dweck is married to Margalit Bar Shalom. They have 5 children.


 Register by Sunday, 4 September 2022:

Reserve your seat for the Friday night dinner (20-40 years)

Reserve your seat for the Sunday morning event (for families)